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Monday, February 7, 2011

Another interesting prospective from the gang at Rescue Ink! My favorite rescue group btw!

So it has been brought to my attention that the newest attack on Pit Bulls is happening in Texas. I want to show everyone a quote from the Constitution of the United States of America which is considered to be supreme law of our country-"Amendment 14 - Citizenship Rights. Ratified 7/9/1868. Note History1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."The due process should be proper investigation into the statistics and the true cause behind this one sided stigma plastered on Pit Bulls. The due process should not be a subjective and emotion based rant from an ignorant human who knows nothing about what a true Pit Bull is all about.I have lived with Pit Bulls for 22 years now and nothing has changed for the dogs – in terms of the cruel and inhumane lengths that people will still go to ruin such a noble breed. However – there is also now an army of people – like myself – who understand what these dogs can offer and why they are then so maligned when these abilities are betrayed and they are forced and directed towards an unnatural lifestyle. I know for sure – if nothing else – that PEOPLE are responsible for the dogs that they own. People are the culprits behind an aggressive dog – a fearful dog – a neglected or abused dog. The dogs in these situations are voiceless victims of a misuse of power. And now – to counteract these crimes – instead of punishing the people who perpetrate these crimes – the people in government instead want to abuse more power and unlawfully ban good people, loving people, true PitBull supporters from helping these dogs, or even owning these dogs?! Instead of punishing the deed – ignorant powers that be – blasphemous and sensational news media – fear mongering and uneducated neighbors and co workers have decided instead to blame the creature of nature that has no voice and punish an innocent animal for following their strongest desire and interest – to please their human. I suppose that it should be no surprise that it is the same species that perpetrates abuse that could follow this with ignorant and judgmental proclamations that hinder the pleasures and rights of good people and in a word KILL innocent dogs based on a supposed accusation as to their genetics and also their temperaments. It is however – shocking that it all comes down on the same animal – species – breed. The same victims of abuse and neglect and gross misuse of human power – who suffer in silence – their loyalty and respect for humans often untouched – may soon be victims of extinction altogether – but by entirely different hands altogether. These people who propose and support BSL are no better than the abusers who do physical damage to innocent animals by their own hand. It will be by their vote, by their law, their media release that innocent, loyal, respectful , trustful, amazing animals die. It will be by these lawmakers’ strokes of mighty pens that families are devastated, individuals are brought to desperation and sorrow and unknowing and voiceless housepets will be taken away and imprisoned and executed based on what they look like.

I say that our proximity to repeating major historical catastrophes is quite near when we begin to make sweeping, generalized proclamations about people’s rights to enjoy certain liberties and an animal’s right to live. What power do we, as citizens, maintain if not our right to be educated and empathetic dog owners?BSL will kill not only Pit Bulls but Rotties, Dobbies, Boxer, Bulldog, Dogo Argintino or any other dog that has the substantial physical characteristics.

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